Generation Y is famous for their dedication to their work, their need to understand what’s going on in their world, as well as their desire to get feedback from their bosses. They also have a higher satisfaction with social media and networks, as well as being more open to people who are of different ethnicities.

They are part of a group

Millennials are often labeled workaholics. Wayne Oates, a psychologist who was born in 1971, invented the term. It’s basically an inexplicably desire to work. It can result in an increase in work-related injuries. It is usually associated with insomnia and anxiety. If you are working, you are more likely to suffer from mental health disorders.

Based on some research, drinking and driving may be more common among younger workers like the millennial generation than among the older baby boomers. Actually, Forbes found that workaholism affects six percent of millennials and a study done by FreshBooks has produced The Millennial Workaholics Index.

A lot of people think that a worker is someone that isn’t able to enjoy vacations. But a survey of millennials who are employed found that half of them are happy to work when they’re off on vacation. Another survey revealed that the millennial generation is more productive every other age group.

According to the Happify survey, millennials’ mental focus is often on working. Generation Y wants to understand more about the effect of their education in their work. They’re also hoping for an opportunity to find a silver lining form of more flexibility.

Despite to different, more mature sites. They can also function as conduits for informal and more intimate interactions.

The Pew study cited above also discovered that the most frequent way to consume media is through smartphones. Smartphones have become a necessity at work and are an essential for households. Although they are a relative new technology, they’ve already taken on more than half of the people. This trend will last over the next few years.

The Pew research findings aren’t only the findings that indicate a media fanatic. For instance, the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics are only a handful of institutions that have studied the effects of digital media on American society. Millennials are the first generation that was born with computers in their living area, so they’re at ease with the nifty technological feats that older generations could only dream of.

They value positive and affirming messages in communications with supervisors.

Generation Y’s expectations are extremely high. They anticipate being able to collaborate with colleagues on teams as well as across several functions at various levels. They want to be recognized for their work. They also want to build rapport with their supervisors.

While the Millennials seem to be more efficient and imaginative than the generation before them, there are still some issues. First, there is the chance that their desire for affirming and encouraging supervisory communications could become too heavy to senior personnel.

Another issue is that Millennials haven’t fully grasped the importance of timing on the job. They’re not fully conscious of the importance that time plays in creating the perception of security. Some have already begun to ask themselves if their employers provide them with the security that they were promised.

The millennials, in spite of their social gregariousness they are still capable of learning. They may have acquired a sense of temporality with their coworkers from earlier generations. It could lead to a concerted effort to demonstrate their importance, as being more willing to conform to team norms. However, this is not a given.

The main characteristic for a person’s ability to communicate effectively and regularly. This can include sharing data as well as creating a positive environment that is regularly assessed on your performance. Transparency will help to solve issues and create closer working relations between supervisors and subordinates.

It can be difficult to fulfill the requirements of the millennial workforce, however their benefits could outweigh any exertion. The best way to do it is to be open with them and open when you communicate. Lack of communication, formal and informal, can negatively impact work-related turnover.

Managers must give feedback

Feedback from the manager is vital for young people. This is good, as if they do not receive consistent and useful feedback from their supervisors They are more prone to become disengaged.

In the age of instant messaging and social media have become so commonplace and easy to comprehend how the manager’s style of feedback can determine an millennial’s commitment. In fact, according to the findings of a study conducted by SuccessFactors and Oxford Economics, millennials want feedback from their managers 50% more often than the Generation X and Baby Boomer colleagues.

87% believe professional development is essential. That means businesses must to find ways to connect with this generation. If they do not modify the method they conduct employee evaluations, they’ll be not being able to tap into some of the most talented millennials.

Furthermore, millennials do not like the old hierarchies at work. They want a more open and friendly work environment. They also want to feel that their supervisors are in their corner. It is important to be comfortable discussing their personal growth with their supervisor.

If you want to keep young people in a positive mood, it’s essential to know their personality. It is also important to make an effort to give an experience that’s both helpful and respectful.

Even though a majority believe that they need feedback from their managers however, they’re not always seeking it. Only one-third of millennial employees say that they’ve told the manager what they’re looking for the most. This is a huge gap.

But 88% of the millennials think that feedback is now more vital than ever. This means that the next time you have a meeting with your manager, ask them about your last experience with feedback.